
Movement - WASD or arrow keys

Healing - Left mouse click (consumes one green orb)

Shield - Right mouse click (consumes all 3 green orbs)

Green orbs can be recharged by standing still


You must embark on a quest to retrieve the cleric's staff from the dungeon and escape the enemies along the way. You will need to kill all the enemies in each room to escape, but the problem is that you have no weapons.


This is my first game I ever completed in godot 4, and my first game made for a game jam (  This game took nearly 9 days to plan and make, so I appreciate you stopping by to play even after the jam's judging period :).


Environment - cellar tileset by ELV Games

Characters - Sunnyside asset pack by  danieldiggle

Background music - Dungeon sfx pack by Leohpaz

Ui was done by me in gimp

All code used is a combination of my own work plus numerous tutorials

Tools Used

Coding - Godot

Sprite editing - Gimp

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